Saturday, July 2, 2011

Reading Chest Xray

check this link to read  Chest Xray ....
Follow the steps below..
  1. check for rt and lt side
  2. well centralized or not...check both medial end of clavicle...both should be at equi distance from spine...if not then its difficult to say abt cardiomegaly, medistinal shift..comparative radiloucency
  3. check abt level of exposure...if u can see 3 spinal process then well exposed...if more------then over exposed and lungs appeas translucent( black like in emphysema)...if less--less exposed...
  4. divide lungs into 3 zones..  upper: above the anterior end of 2nd rib......middle: above the anterior end of 4th rib....lower: above the anterior end of 6th both side of lungs...
  5. check the apical region..esp behind the clavicle to look for TB lesions
  6. check costphrenic angle and cardiophrenic angle...all should be acute angle..any obliteration is ablnormal
  7. Diaphragm: rt is .5 to1.5 cm higher than lt...and both shoud be smoothly curved
  8. Hilum: bi hiller is slightly higher then the rt....
  9. trace the trachia upto carina
  10. Cardiac : Lt heart border: by from above Aorta, Pulm conus, lt atrium and Lt ventricle............Rt heart border: SVC and rt atrium
  11. study the bones: ribs = for crowding , spreading lesion....clavicle...spacula..shulder jt
  12. Study soft tissue - muscle, breast tissue in female..